IP :

Country :

United States

What Is My IP is a tool that has been launched to allow you to see the your IP address and country. This information can be used to any intents. This tool is easy to use. Simply enter to this page and it will return your IP address and country. Don’t need any other action. This tool is free to use and don’t need to any registration. It is available to anyone with an internet connection.

How to Use the Tool

To use the “What Is My IP” tool, simply enter to this page. This online tool is a valuable asset for visitors. It can be used to check your IP and Country. The tool is easy to use and no need to register.

How to Work What Is My IP

When a user visits a special page that displays their IP address, the page utilizes a method called client-side scripting to retrieve and display the user’s IP address. Client-side scripting involves executing code within the your web browser, allowing the page to interact with the your device and access IP address and country.

One common approach to achieve this is through the WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) API in What Is My IP, which provides a standardized interface for real-time communication between web browsers. WebRTC includes a feature called STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT), which is primarily used to establish peer-to-peer connections between browsers.

However, The tool is a what is my public IP not What is my private IP and STUN also provides a mechanism for retrieving a device’s public IP address. When a user visits a webpage that utilizes WebRTC, the page can initiate a STUN request to a STUN server. The STUN server responds with the user’s public IP address, which the webpage can then extract and display to the user.

Here’s a simplified breakdown of the process:

  1. User visits a webpage with client-side scripting (e.g., JavaScript).
  2. The webpage initiates a STUN request to a STUN server.
  3. The STUN server responds with the your public IP address.
  4. The webpage extracts the IP address from the STUN response.
  5. The webpage displays the user’s IP address to the user.

Note that displaying your IP address in What Is My IP without their explicit consent can raise privacy concerns. IP address can potentially reveal sensitive information about your location and online activity. So, this is crucial to exercise caution and transparency when implementing such features.


What is the meaning of IP?

IP stands for “Internet Protocol.” It is a set of rules that govern how data is sent and received over networks, such as the internet.

What is IP and types of IP?

IP, or Internet Protocol, is a set of rules that facilitate communication between devices on a network. There are two main types of IP: IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) and IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6). IPv4 is the older and more widely used version, while IPv6 was introduced to address the limitations of IPv4 and provide a larger address space.

What is a public IP?

A public IP address is an address assigned to a device on a network that is directly accessible from the internet. It serves as a unique identifier for the device on the global network. Public IP addresses are assigned by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and are routable over the internet. Devices within a local network, like your home or office, typically have private IP addresses, and a router uses Network Address Translation (NAT) to map these private addresses to a single public IP when communicating with the internet.

Should I use IPv4 or IPv6?

It depends on your network requirements. IPv4 is the older and more widely used protocol, but IPv6 offers a larger address space and improved security features. Ideally, networks should transition to IPv6 to address the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses, but both protocols can coexist during the transition period.

Which is faster: IPv4 or IPv6?

In general, there isn’t a significant difference in speed between IPv4 and IPv6. Network performance depends on various factors, including your internet service provider, network configuration, and device compatibility. Both protocols are designed to offer comparable speeds.

Should I enable IPv6?

Enabling IPv6 is advisable for future-proofing your network and addressing the limitations of IPv4 address exhaustion. Most modern devices and operating systems support IPv6. However, it’s essential to ensure that your network infrastructure and internet service provider also support IPv6 before enabling it.

Is IPv6 better for gaming?

IPv6 itself doesn’t inherently make gaming faster. The impact on gaming performance is minimal, and many online gaming services and platforms support both IPv4 and IPv6. The key factors affecting gaming performance are typically related to network latency, bandwidth, and the quality of your internet connection, rather than the specific IP version used.